Previously, all apprentices who could not evidence an acceptable existing qualification in English and maths at Level 2 or above were subject to a mandatory requirement to study towards and achieve these qualifications in order to complete their apprenticeship.
On 11th February 2025, the government updated the maths and English requirements for apprentices aged 19 or over at the start of their apprenticeship. These apprentices are no longer required to meet functional skills requirements if both the apprentice and their employer agree they are not required and opt out of the requirements. The full policy update is below.
Policy update: "Only apprentices who began their apprenticeship training when aged 16-18 will continue to be subject to the mandatory requirement to study towards and achieve English and maths. Apprentices who began their apprenticeship training when aged 19+ will no longer be subject to the mandatory requirement to study towards and achieve English and maths. However, for apprentices aged 19+, the apprentice or their employer can still choose for the apprentice to study towards an English and maths qualification. We will continue to fund those apprentices that wish to study towards an English and maths qualification. The above policy change will be effective from 11 February 2025 and will apply to new starts and existing learners on-programme."
Who can opt out of functional skills requirements?
Apprentices aged 19+ at the start of their apprenticeship will be eligible to opt out of studying towards and sitting exams for mandatory Level 2 maths and English qualifications as an apprenticeship requirement unless their employer stipulates they should be part of the training plan.
What is an apprentice’s legal entitlement for maths and English training?
Apprentices without level 2 qualifications in English and maths have a legal entitlement to funded English and maths qualifications, and if this is agreed by the employer, this can be delivered and funded as part of the apprenticeship programme.
What happens if my employer and I decide NOT to opt out of functional skills requirements?
For apprentices over 19, if the apprentice and their employer choose to continue their functional skills training, the individual must commit to study towards and sit the assessments for these qualifications but does not need to pass them in order to progress to the endpoint assessment of their apprenticeship. Functional skills training will continue to be funded by the government within the apprenticeship and Multiverse will deliver this training. The employer must support the apprentice by allowing access to the training in paid time, and Multiverse will deliver the necessary amount of training needed in readiness for the assessment.
For new apprentices: New apprentices who choose not to opt out will have their functional skills training integrated into their apprenticeship programme from the outset. You should indicate this preference in your training plan once received at the start of your apprenticeship.
For already enrolled apprentices who have yet to evidence or achieve these qualifications: If the mutual decision of the apprentice and the employer is to continue the apprentice's functional skills training, you should decline the functional skills waiver and training plan that you will be sent. If the document is declined, no further action is required and functional skills training will continue as planned.
How would Multiverse support apprentices who haven’t opted out?
Multiverse has diagnostic assessments, learning pathways and dedicated maths and English coaches who support apprentices in working towards and achieving these qualifications. You can find out more about the learning support available here and the exam process here.
What do I need to do if my employer and I decide to opt out of functional skills requirements?
For new apprentices: You must mutually agree with your employer that you would like to opt out of this entitlement and indicate this in your application by ticking the appropriate box. Then, once you receive your training plan at the start of your apprenticeship, you must both sign against this decision.
For already enrolled apprentices: If the mutual decision of the apprentice and the employer is to stop the apprentice's functional skills training, you and your employer should sign the functional skills waiver and the updated training plan you will be sent by the April deadline. You should expect to receive this w/c 21st March. This will supersede the previous training plan you would have signed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will act as ‘my employer’ with regards to signing against the decision to opt out of functional skills requirements?
Typically, your line manager would sign as a representative of your employer, but this could also be an HR contact or a higher-level manager.
I want to opt out of the functional skills requirements, but my employer does not agree that they are not required for my role
To opt out, a mutual agreement between the apprentice and their employer must be reached. If your employer believes functional skills qualifications are required for your role, you will remain opted in. Remaining opted in means unless you can provide acceptable evidence of an existing level 2 qualification in maths and English, you will need to study towards and sit exams for maths and English qualifications as part of your apprenticeship.
I can’t see an option to indicate my opt-out preference in my application
If you started your application before March 2025, you won’t see this option in your application. Your training plan, which is sent at the start of your apprenticeship, will give you the option to sign against this preference.