Apprenticeship Qualifications

This article provides an overview of the qualifications received from our UK apprenticeship programmes.

Updated over a week ago


This article explains the qualifications you will receive as a result of successful completion of a UK apprenticeship.

What qualification will I receive?

To successfully complete an apprenticeship, you must pass your end-point assessment.

The qualification received will depend on the programme you are enrolled in. You can find this under the ‘what you get’ box for each programme here.

Will I receive UCAS points?

Currently, apprenticeships do not carry UCAS points. If this changes in the future, this will show in the UCAS Tariff Calculator.

Some higher education institutions do accept apprenticeships as an entry requirement. You would need to check this with the relevant institution.

Will I receive credits that a university will accept?

Non-degree apprenticeships (i.e. Level 3/4) do not result in official credits that can be transferred to UK universities.

For those on degree programmes, at the point you leave Multiverse you will receive a transcript of learning - this will include all modules and credits you have completed.

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