Degree Apprenticeship Assessment

Policies for apprentices on degree programmes (Technical Consulting and Advanced Data Fellowship) relating to assessment [UK-specific]

Updated over a week ago


Multiverse offers two degree apprenticeships (Technical Consulting and the Advanced Data Fellowship). Degree Apprenticeships have extra rules and regulations regarding the awarding of academic credit, assignments and academic conduct. These questions are designed to help apprentices understand how the academic policies differ from the policies of other apprenticeship programmes they may have taken at Multiverse and point them to the detailed policies if they require further information.

Can I have an extension for my assignment?

Multiverse does grant extensions of up to one week, but only in exceptional cases where an apprentice has a genuine reason for not being able to meet a deadline. You can find a list of circumstances for which an extenuating circumstances form can be submitted and an extension granted in section 11 of our Degree Apprenticeships assessments policy. Please note, without this form being approved, any assignment submitted after the deadline will be classed as late, and a mark cap of one or two grades will be applied, depending on how late the work is submitted.

The form for Extenuating Circumstances can be found here and must be submitted within 5 working days of the assignment deadline.

The form for Extenuating Circumstances can be found here and must be submitted within 5 working days of the assignment deadline. After submitting a claim, you should work towards the 5 day extension deadline whilst waiting for the outcome. If rejected your work will instead be considered under the late policy, meaning you get a grade penalty and/or you will have the opportunity to appeal the decision which if upheld would remove that penalty. Work not submitted within this time frame will not be marked, which usually result in a capped resit being granted. If you have been granted an extension, you can utilise the late policy on top of the extension. For example, if the original deadline was the 7th, and you were granted an extension to the 14th, you can choose to submit on 21st for a 2 grade penalty.

I can't submit my assessment on time, will I get a penalty?

Any assignment submitted after the deadline will be classed as late, and a mark cap of one or two grades will be applied, depending on how late the work is submitted. If it’s submitted 2 calendar days later, it will receive a reduction of 1 letter grade (a B to a C+, for example). If it’s submitted 2 calendar days-5 working days later, it will receive a 2 letter deduction (a B to a C). A late penalty will not bring the grade below a pass mark (D grade). Anything submitted after 5 working days is awarded a U. Full details of the policies can be found here in the Assessment Policy.

Your work will be marked on merit, and when the grade is shared with you after marking it is provisional and therefore will not include the late penalty. The late cap is applied by the Board of Examiners which takes place in week 4 of the following module, after which you will receive your official grade in an email.

How do I calculate my grade?

Multiverse awards letter grades to apprentices for each assignment they complete. Depending upon the module, year of study and credit value of the assignment you are completing, the proportion of each letter grade to the overall degree classification will vary. Your coach can help you determine how well you’re performing overall and what grades you’d need to get in an assignment to achieve an overall grade. You can see how award classifications are calculated in the Academic Regulations.

I can't upload my assessment on Applied/Turnitin?

If you cannot submit an assignment on Applied or Turnitin, you should ensure you email it to [email protected] before the deadline. This will allow us to determine that you made every effort to submit on time. Submissions after the deadline emailed to the inbox will be treated as late.

Word counts

Markers will stop marking beyond the word count. At the end of your assignment, you should include references, which cover all resources used to complete your assessment, both directly or indirectly. The word count does not include the references/bibliography.

The assessment brief, once available on your MyMultiverse portal, will include this information as well as other useful guidance.

Can I use AI in my assignments?

We have pulled together this AI acceptable use guidance. You must follow your company’s AI use policy, and acknowledge any AI use in your work.

I've been invited to an Academic Misconduct (AM) meeting, what does this mean?

AM is always 'suspected' until the meeting; this is your opportunity to explain your situation, and our opportunity to support you in good academic practice. If AM is upheld, a penalty may be applied, but this will only be implemented after the Board of Examiners so the grade you receive with your assessment feedback is provisional as it will not have this penalty applied yet.

AM outcomes are only shared with your employer if major or gross (not for poor academic practice or minor cases).

If it was your first attempt and the penalty results in you failing the assessment, you will have the opportunity to retake it.

If I need help with my assignments, should I talk to my coach or instructor?

Depending on which aspect of your assignment you are struggling with, different people can help at Multiverse. The below table indicates who can help you with what dimension of your work.

Support Type

Who can help

Module Content

Instructor (of current module)

Assessment Feedback

Instructor (of current module)

EPA Preparation


Academic / Professional Writing

The Write Way Lab

Academic Misconduct

Coach/Certification Operations Team/Write Way Lab

Support for Neurodiversity or disability (e.g. through Reasonable Adjustments)

Coach /Apprentice Learning Needs team

What do I do if I have holiday booked on or around a deadline for one of my modules?

Multiverse works hard to ensure our deliveries do not clash with important dates. That said, it is not possible for us to devise deadlines and delivery plans for individual apprentices. We publish our delivery and deadline plan long in advance, allowing apprentices plenty of time to plan their own leave requirements. We cannot allow extensions or deferrals if an apprentice books a holiday on or around the deadline for an assignment. Deadlines are provided with plenty of notice, so assignments can be submitted in advance if an apprentice books a holiday over the deadline.

The only exception to this rule is holiday that was booked prior to the apprentice starting the apprenticeship with Multiverse.

What is a deferral?

A deferral is a policy that allows an apprentice to extend their submissions or modules to the following quarter or later due to extenuating circumstances. If an apprentice has extenuating circumstances such as a long-term illness, an extension may not be appropriate. In these cases, a deferral will be offered. Full details of the policies can be found here in the Extenuating Circumstances section of the Assessment Policy. If a deferral is requested that does not meet the deferral eligibility requirements, but is eligible for an extension, an apprentice may instead be granted an extension.

I’ve recently been diagnosed with a condition that impacts my ability to complete my assignments. How can I gain support for this?

Apprentices are fully entitled to receive extra support if they have a condition that impacts their studies. They should contact the apprentice support team in the first instance to agree a broad support plan for the entirety of their apprenticeship. The process for this can be found here.

Apprentices with agreed Reasonable Adjustments may still need to submit an Extenuating Circumstances claim for an extension or deferral to individual assignments in the following circumstances:

  • If they are newly diagnosed and have not yet had a chance to disclose the information to Multiverse.

  • A flare up or exacerbation of their condition beyond the ‘norm’ which was not covered by the agreed adjustments.

  • If they have any other Extenuating Circumstances unrelated to their disclosed condition.

I disagree with the outcome from the Board of Examiners, what can I do?

Your Board of Examiners outcome email will include an appeals link. You can appeal based on either:

  • Material error i.e. the Board made a mistake in the processing of your results information or Multiverse did not carry out one of our policy processes correctly e.g. we rejected an Extenuating Circumstances claim although your claim met all the policy requirements.

  • Undisclosed Extenuating Circumstances i.e. you had a valid reason in line with our Extenuating Circumstances policy for submitting late or not submitting at all but were unable (again for valid reasons) to disclose this within 5 working days from the submission deadline.

What appeals are unlikely to be upheld?

  • The appeals panel will look at all cases, so we would never discourage you from submitting an appeal. However, there are a few areas that are unlikely to be upheld unless they also come under material error or undisclosed extenuating circumstances as listed above:

    • Challenging a grade: appeals questioning academic judgment only will not be upheld - there are three stages of quality assurance to ensure grades are applied in line with UK-wide Higher Education (degree) standards.

    • Apprentice/workplace mistakes: Multiverse is not responsible for apprentice or workplace mistakes, so these are unlikely to be upheld (again unless they link with one of the two eligible reasons above).

Why is my grade provisional?

You receive your provisional grade 20 working days from your submission date. This grade is provisional for two reasons:

  1. Although it will have been both marked and internally moderated at this stage, it will not yet have been externally moderated, which is a key quality mechanism that all degree providers must undertake to ensure the standards are in line with other higher education institutions. The external moderator usually confirms the quality of the internal marking and moderation, but in rare cases where our quality does not meet expectations, could call for a full remark or for all the grades in a cohort to be shifted up or down, if they deemed us to be too generous or too harsh in our grading.

  2. The marker applies this grade purely on the work submitted (all work is graded through anonymous marking), without any other context such as whether it was submitted late, if it is a first or second attempt, or whether there was flagged Academic Misconduct. The Board of Examiners then takes these grades with the full context and agrees on the ‘final’ official grade, which may be different from the grade in your submission feedback.

Extenuating Circumstances/ Appeals Supporting Evidence

We ask you to submit evidence for ‘evidence-based’ extenuating circumstances and for appeals. However, we understand in some cases that evidence may take some time to get. In these cases, we ask you to submit your claim within the outlined deadline (for extenuating circumstances, this is within 5 working days of the submission deadline, for appeals this is 10 working days of the Board of Examiners outcome email) and indicate that evidence will follow, providing us with a date of when you will be able to provide this.

Can I transfer my credits to another institution?

For those enrolled in degree programmes, at the point you leave Multiverse you will receive a transcript of learning - this will include all modules and credits you have completed.

Universities or other higher education institutions can let people on their programme by recognising credits gained from another institution, however, the decision is up to that institution not us. We would however confirm what modules and credits you have achieved to enable any transfer that they agree to.

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