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Confirming your Apprenticeship on the Apprenticeship Service

The details on the Apprenticeship Service don't match the details I am expecting to see, or I am having trouble confirming my apprenticeship

Updated over a year ago


The government requires us to register and report the details of your apprenticeship via the Apprenticeship Service [UK specific]. We partner with your employer to upload your information.

Once we’ve added you to the system, you will receive an email asking whether you want to confirm your apprenticeship details and register for an account. The information you see upon registration will be the title and date of your apprenticeship, as well as the personal information we’ve registered you with such as your name and date of birth.

Your apprenticeship will be confirmed when the details you enter into the Apprenticeship Service match exactly the details Multiverse has entered.

You may have questions surrounding the information on the Apprenticeship Service. In this article, we’ll explain what may cause this.

Why is the duration of my apprenticeship so long? It appears incorrect.

  • The Apprenticeship Service displays the duration based on the time the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) estimates the programme should take. This is longer than the actual duration of your Multiverse apprenticeship programme. You can ignore this number and rest assured that the duration of your programme is not impacted by the figure shown on the Apprenticeship Service.

Why does the qualification on the Apprenticeship Service not match the name of my apprenticeship programme?

  • Multiverse’s programme titles are named based on the skills you will develop, rather than the title of the apprenticeship standard you will receive upon completion of your programme. The apprenticeship named on the apprenticeship service will match the apprenticeship listed under ‘what you will get’ from your programme.

I have enrolled in a three-year Advanced Data Fellowship programme that progresses to Level 6, but it is showing as Level 4.

  • The Advanced Data Fellowship programme consists of 2 sequential apprenticeships. You will first complete the level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship. Upon completion of level 4, you will progress onto the level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional integrated degree apprenticeship. You will receive separate training plans at the outset of each apprenticeship.

Why does my apprenticeship show as unconfirmed on the Apprenticeship Service?

  • You will need to create an account on the Apprenticeship Service within 14 days of starting your apprenticeship to view the details of your apprenticeship on their website. The account registration will be sent to the email address you provided when signing up for our programmes. Creating an account is NOT mandatory, though your apprenticeship will show as ‘unconfirmed’ without one. Please note that this status has no implications for your apprenticeship. If you have difficulty confirming your details, please review the guidance in this article.

What do I do if I get the message: “There seems to be a problem, we cannot find your apprenticeship?”

  • If you get this message, there may have been an error in the information submitted during your application or that you have entered into the Apprenticeship Service. Please double-check that the information you have entered is accurate. If you are confident the details you have entered are accurate, please reach out to us via the Chatbot on, providing the details that you have entered so that we can confirm that we have your correct details in our systems.

  • If the details you share with us do not match those that have been uploaded to the Apprenticeship Service, we will update these and you will receive a new confirmation email.

  • If the details do match, then we will advise you to reach out to [email protected]

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