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Apprenticeship Candidate
Apprenticeship Candidate

Articles for prospective apprentices who are completing the application process

22 articles
Apprenticeship Application RoutesUK Apprenticeship Application Routes
Career Starters

Articles for those starting their career by applying for roles at new employers

What is a Career Starter Multiverse Apprenticeship?An overview of what an apprenticeship is and the part Multiverse plays
Career Starter Application ProcessHow the application process works, and steps to complete a profile
Career Starter Eligibility RequirementsEligibility requirements for individuals to be considered as Career Starter Candidates, hired by Multiverse.
Which Career Starter Programmes Are Offered?How to find the apprenticeship programmes available for Career Starters
Troubleshooting Issues with the Career Starter Application PlatformCommon profile troubleshooting steps and when it may be necessary to escalate for profile review, approval, or tech support
Creating and Adding a Profile VideoHow to add a video to your profile to support job application including tips for what to include
Completing the Situational Judgement TestHow to complete the SJT, plus troubleshooting steps
Career Starter Application: Technical Skills AssessmentsGuidance on completing skills assessments required for approval in specific programs; Software Engineering (globally) and Data (for the US)
Completing a Hireflix InterviewHow to complete the Hireflix process and troubleshoot issues
Changing Programme Preferences in your Career Starter ApplicationHow to get approved for a different or second programme area
Understanding Roles and Information on the Job BoardAnswers to FAQs regarding roles advertised on the Job Board
When Will I Hear Back Regarding My Application?Expected timelines for the Career Starter Application Process