Wellbeing Concerns

How and when to contact the Safeguarding/Safety team if you’re concerned about your wellbeing, or the wellbeing of another apprentice.

Updated over a week ago

Getting help in an emergency

If you have an emergency in the UK please call 999, contact the Samaritans on 116 123, or see Mind's resources on getting help in a crisis.

If you have an emergency in the USA, please call 911, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org, or see Mental Health America’s Crisis Resources.

Overview of this article

The Safeguarding Team is here to help you thrive on your apprenticeship. They do this by helping to support you with any challenges or barriers that may impact your learning, including if you are concerned about your well-being.

This article will explain what topics you might find you need help around, and where to look for support.

The challenges you come across during your apprenticeship can be about yourself or another apprentice, about work or home, and about physical health or mental wellbeing.

If you are experiencing a challenge, you should look at the Support Space on the Community Hub. You will find a range of resources that you may find helpful.

We encourage you to also speak with your coach, who will be able to help you put in place strategies or adjustments to help you and help you in navigating the additional support available, such as wellbeing calls with the Apprentice Support Team, or even Counselling.

If you’re in need of extra help, we can signpost you to other organisations, such as Mind, who offer different types of talking therapy, or Side by Side, which is a supportive online community. They also have Mind Every Day Living tips which helps individuals to cope with everyday things like money, work, and more.

If you have any safeguarding or safety concerns, reach out to the relevant contact.

Please note: The safeguarding team is only able to support wellbeing and safeguarding-related queries or issues. For non-safeguarding-related help, check out the other articles in our Help Centre, or use the chat widget to contact our Support Team.

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